All Pals list in Palworld

Explore the extensive collection of 111 Pals available in Palworld with the help of GenshinLab’s Palworld Pals List. Gain valuable insights into each Pal’s Element, Partner Skill, Affiliation, and Drops by referring to the comprehensive table provided below.

Pal Elements

Palworld offers a captivating selection of nine distinct elements for Pals to harness. These elements include Dark, Electric, Fire, Grass, Dragon, Ground, Ice, Neutral, and Water. Embrace the diverse range of elemental affinities and unlock their potential as you immerse yourself in the vast Palworld universe.

For a deeper understanding of the Pals, including their unique characteristics, abilities, and contributions, visit GenshinLab’s Palworld section at Palworld Pals List. This valuable resource will provide you with all the information you need to navigate the Palworld experience.

Pals Paldeck Number Element Partner Skill Works for Drops
Lamball 001 Neutral Fluffy Shield Handiwork Lv1, Transporting Lv1, Farming Lv1 Wool, Lamball Mutton
Cattiva 002 Neutral Cat Helper Handiwork Lv1, Gathering Lv1, Mining Lv1, Transporting Lv1 Red Berries
Chikipi 003 Neutral Egg Layer Gathering Lv1, Farming Lv1 Egg, Chikipi Poultry
Lifmunk 004 Grass Lifmunk Recoil Planting Lv1, Handiwork Lv1, Lumbering Lv1, Medicine Production Lv1, Gathering Lv1 Berry Seeds, Low-grade Medical Supplies
Foxparks 005 Fire Huggy Fire Kindling Lv1 Leather, Flame Organ
Fuack 006 Water Surfing Slam Handiwork Lv1, Transporting Lv1, Watering Lv1 Leather, Pal Fluids
Sparkit 007 Electric Static Electricity Handiwork Lv1, Transporting Lv1, Generating Electricity Lv1 Electric Organ
Tanzee 008 Grass Cheery Rifle Planting Lv1, Handiwork Lv1, Lumbering Lv1, Transporting Lv1, Gathering Lv1 Mushroom
Rooby 009 Fire Tiny Spark Kindling Lv1 Flame Organ, Leather
Pengullet 010 Water/Ice Pengullet Cannon Handiwork Lv1, Transporting Lv1, Watering Lv1, Cooling Lv1 Ice Organ, Pal Fluids
Penking 011 Water/Ice Brave Sailor Handiwork Lv2, Transporting Lv2, Watering Lv2, Mining Lv2, Cooling Lv2 Ice Organ, Penking Plume
Jolthog 012 Electric Jolt Bomb Generating Electricity Lv1 Electric Organ
Jolthog Cryst 012b Ice Cold Bomb Cooling Lv1 Ice Organ
Gumoss 013 Grass Logging Assistance Planting Lv1 Berry Seeds, Gumoss Leaf
Vixy 014 Neutral Dig Here! Gathering Lv1, Farming Lv1 Leather, Bone
Hoocrates 015 Dark Dark Knowledge Gathering Lv1 Fiber, High-grade Technical Manual
Teafant 016 Water Soothing Shower Watering Lv1 Pal Fluids
Depresso 017 Dark Caffeine Inoculation Handiwork Lv1, Transporting Lv1, Mining Lv1 Venom Gland
Cremis 018 Neutral Fluffy Wool Gathering Lv1, Farming Lv1 Wool
Daedream 019 Dark Dream Chaser Handiwork Lv1, Transporting Lv1, Gathering Lv1 Venom Gland, Small Pal Soul
Rushoar 020 Ground Hard Head Mining Lv1 Rushoar Pork, Leather, Bone
Nox 021 Dark Kuudere Gathering Lv1 Leather, Small Pal Soul
Fuddler 022 Ground Ore Detector Handiwork Lv1, Transporting Lv1, Mining Lv1 Leather
Killamari 023 Dark Fried Squid Transporting Lv2, Gathering Lv1 Venom Gland
Mau 024 Dark Gold Digger Farming Lv1 Gold Coin
Mau Cryst 024b Ice Gold Digger Cooling Lv1, Farming Lv1 Ice Organ, Sapphire
Celaray 025 Water Zephyr Glider Transporting Lv1, Watering Lv1 Pal Fluids
Direhowl 026 Neutral Direhowl Rider Gathering Lv1 Leather, Ruby, Gold Coin
Tocotoco 027 Neutral Eggbomb Launcher Gathering Lv1 Gunpowder, Tocotoco Feather
Flopie 028 Grass Helper Bunny Planting Lv1, Handiwork Lv1, Medicine Production Lv1, Transporting Lv1, Gathering Lv1 Low-grade Medical Supplies, Wheat Seeds
Mozzarina 029 Neutral Milk Maker Farming Lv1 Mozzarina Meat, Milk
Bristla 030 Grass Princess Gaze Planting Lv1, Handiwork Lv1, Medicine Production Lv2, Transporting Lv1, Gathering Lv1 Wheat Seeds, Lettuce Seeds
Gobfin 031 Water Angry Shark Handiwork Lv1, Transporting Lv1, Watering Lv2 Pal Fluids
Hangyu 032 Ground Flying Trapeze Handiwork Lv1, Transporting Lv2, Gathering Lv1 Fiber
Mossanda 033 Grass Grenadier Panda Planting Lv2, Handiwork Lv2, Lumbering Lv2, Transporting Lv3 Mushroom, Leather, Tomato Seeds
Woolipop 034 Neutral Candy Pop Farming Lv1 Cotton Candy, High-quality Pal Oil
Caprity 035 Grass Berry Picker Planting Lv2, Farming Lv1 Caprity Meat, Red Berries, Horn
Melpaca 036 Neutral Pacapaca Wool Farming Lv1 Wool, Leather
Eikthyrdeer 037 Neutral Guardian of the Forest Lumbering Lv2 Eikthyrdeer Venison, Leather, Horn
Nitewing 038 Neutral Travel Companion Gathering Lv2 Leather
Ribunny 039 Neutral Skilled Fingers Handiwork Lv1, Transporting Lv1, Gathering Lv1 Leather, Beautiful Flower
Incineram 040 Fire/Dark Flameclaw Hunter Kindling Lv1, Handiwork Lv2, Transporting Lv2, Mining Lv1 Horn, Leather
Cinnamoth 041 Grass Mysterious Scales Planting Lv2, Medicine Production Lv1 Honey, Lettuce Seeds, Wheat Seeds
Arsox 042 Fire Warm Body Kindling Lv2, Lumbering Lv1 Horn, Flame Organ
Dumud 043 Ground Soil Improver Transporting Lv1, Watering Lv1, Mining Lv2 Raw Dumud, High Quality Pal Oil
Cawgnito 044 Dark Telepeck Lumbering Lv1 Bone, Venom Gland, Small Pal Soul
Leezpunk 045 Dark Sixth Sense Handiwork Lv1, Transporting Lv1, Gathering Lv1 Copper Key, Silver Key
Loupmoon 046 Dark Claws Glistening in the Dark Handiwork Lv2 Bone
Galeclaw 047 Neutral Galeclaw Rider Gathering Lv2 Galeclaw Poultry, Leather
Robinquill 048 Grass Hawk Eye Planting Lv1, Handiwork Lv2, Lumbering Lv1, Medicine Production Lv1, Transporting Lv2, Gathering Lv2 Wheat Seeds, Arrow
Gorirat 049 Neutral Full-power Gorilla Mode Handiwork Lv1, Lumbering Lv2, Transporting Lv3 Leather, Bone
Beegarde 050 Grass Worker Bee Planting Lv1, Handiwork Lv1, Lumbering Lv1, Medicine Production Lv1, Transporting Lv2, Gathering Lv1, Farming Lv1 Honey
Elizabee 051 Grass Queen Bee Command Planting Lv2, Handiwork Lv2, Lumbering Lv1, Medicine Production Lv2, Gathering Lv2 Honey, Elizabee's Staff
Grintale 052 Neutral Plump Body Gathering Lv2 High-quality Pal Oil
Swee 053 Ice Fluffy Gathering Lv1, Cooling Lv1 Wool
Sweepa 054 Ice King of Fluff Gathering Lv2, Cooling Lv2 Wool
Chillet 055 Ice/Dragon Wriggling Weasel Gathering Lv1, Cooling Lv1 Leather
Univolt 056 Electric Swift Deity Lumbering Lv1, Generating Electricity Lv2 Leather, Electric Organ, Horn
Pyrin 058 Fire Red Hare Kindling Lv2, Lumbering Lv1 Flame Organ, Leather
Reindrix 059 Ice Cool Body Lumbering Lv2, Cooling Lv2 Reindrix Venison, Leather, Horn, Ice Organ
Rayhound 060 Electric Jumping Force Generating Electricity Lv2 Electric Organ
Dazzi 062 Electric Lady of Lightning Handiwork Lv1, Transporting Lv1, Generating Electricity Lv1 Electric Organ
Lunaris 063 Neutral Antigravity Handiwork Lv3, Transporting Lv1, Gathering Lv1 Paldium Fragment
Dinossom 064 Grass/Dragon Fragrant Dragon Planting Lv2, Lumbering Lv2 Wheat Seeds
Surfent 065 Water Swift Swimmer Watering Lv2 Pal Fluids
Maraith 066 Dark Messenger of Death Gathering Lv2, Mining Lv1 Bone, Small Pal Soul
Digtoise 067 Ground Drill Crusher Mining Lv3 Ore, High-quality Pal Oil
Tombat 068 Dark Ultrasonic Sensor Transporting Lv2, Gathering Lv2, Mining Lv2 Leather, Small Pal Soul
Lovander 069 Neutral Heart Drain Handiwork Lv2, Medicine Production Lv2, Transporting Lv2, Mining Lv1 Mushroom, Cake, Suspicious JuIce, Strange JuIce
Flambelle 070 Fire Magma Tears Kindling Lv1, Handiwork Lv1, Transporting Lv1, Farming Lv1 Flame Organ, High-quality Pal Oil
Vanwyrm 071 Fire/Dark Aerial Marauder Kindling Lv1, Transporting Lv3 Bone, Ruby, Gold Coin
Bushi 072 Fire Brandish Blade Kindling Lv2, Handiwork Lv1, Lumbering Lv3, Transporting Lv2, Gathering Lv1 Bone, Ingot
Beakon 073 Electric Thunderous Transporting Lv3, Generating Electricity Lv2, Gathering Lv1 Electric Organ
Ragnahawk 074 Fire Flame Wing Kindling Lv3, Transporting Lv3 Flame Organ
Katress 075 Dark Grimoire Collector Handiwork Lv2, Medicine Production Lv2, Transporting Lv2 Leather, Katress Hair, High-grade Technical Manual
Wixen 076 Fire Lord Fox Kindling Lv2, Handiwork Lv3, Transporting Lv2 Flame Organ, High Grade Technical Manual
Verdash 077 Grass Grassland Speedster Planting Lv2, Handiwork Lv3, Lumbering Lv2, Transporting Lv2, Gathering Lv3 Leather, Bone
Vaelet 078 Grass Purification of Gaia Planting Lv2, Handiwork Lv2, Medicine Production Lv3, Transporting Lv1, Gathering Lv2 Low-grade Medical Supplies, Tomato Seeds
Sibelyx 079 Ice Silk Maker Medicine Production Lv2, Cooling Lv2, Farming Lv1 TBC
Elphidran 080 Dragon Amicable Holy Dragon Lumbering Lv2 High-quality Pal Oil
Kelpsea 081 Water Aqua Spout Watering Lv1 Raw Kelpsea, Pal Fluids
Azurobe 082 Water/Dragon Waterwing Dance Watering Lv3 Cloth
Cryolinx 083 Ice Dragon Hunter Handiwork Lv1, Lumbering Lv2, Cooling Lv3 Ice Organ
Blazehowl 084 Fire Hellflame Lion Kindling Lv3, Lumbering Lv2 Flame Organ
Relaxaurus 085 Dragon/Water Hungry Missile Transporting Lv1, Watering Lv2 High-quality Pal Oil, Ruby
Broncherry 086 Grass Overaffectionate Planting Lv3 Broncherry Meat, Tomato Seeds
Petallia 087 Grass Blessing of the Flower Spirit Planting Lv3, Handiwork Lv2, Medicine Production Lv2, Transporting Lv1, Gathering Lv2 Beautiful Flower
Reptyro 088 Fire/Ground Ore-Loving Beast Kindling Lv3, Mining Lv3 Flame Organ
Kingpaca 089 Neutral King of Muscles Gathering Lv1 Flame Wool
Mammorest 090 Grass Gaia Crusher Planting Lv2, Lumbering Lv2, Mining Lv2 High-quality Pal Oil, Leather, Mammorest Meat
Wumpo 091 Ice Guardian of the Snowy Mountain Handiwork Lv2, Lumbering Lv3, Transporting Lv4, Cooling Lv2 Ice Organ, Beautiful Flower
Warsect 092 Ground/Grass Hard Armor Planting Lv1, Handiwork Lv1, Lumbering Lv3, Transporting Lv3 Honey
Fenglope 093 Neutral Wind and Clouds Lumbering Lv2 Leather, Horn
Felbat 094 Dark Life Steal Medicine Production Lv3 Cloth, Small Pal Soul
Quivern 095 Dragon Sky Dragon’s Affection Handiwork Lv1, Transporting Lv3, Gathering Lv2, Mining Lv2 High-quality Pal Oil
Blazamut 096 Fire Magma Kaiser Kindling Lv3, Mining Lv4 Coal, Flame Organ
Helzephyr 097 Dark Wings of Death Transporting Lv3 Venom Gland, Medium Pal Soul
Astegon 098 Dragon/Dark Black Ankylosaur Handiwork Lv1, Mining Lv4 Pal Metal Ingot, Pure Quartz
Menasting 099 Dark/Ground Steel Scorpion Lumbering Lv2, Mining Lv3 Coal, Venom Gland
Anubis 100 Ground Guardian of the Desert Handiwork Lv4, Transporting Lv2, Mining Lv3 Bone, Large Pal Soul, Innovative Technical Manual
Jormuntide 101 Dragon/Water Stormbringer Sea Dragon Watering Lv4 Pal Fluids
Suzaku 102 Fire Wings of Flame Kindling Lv3 Flame Organ
Grizzbolt 103 Electric Yellow Tank Handiwork Lv2, Lumbering Lv2, Transporting Lv3, Generating Electricity Lv3 Electric Organ, Leather
Lyleen 104 TBC TBC TBC TBC
Faleris 105 TBC TBC TBC TBC
Orserk 106 TBC TBC TBC TBC
Shadowbeak 107 Dark Modified DNA Gathering Lv1 Pal Metal Ingot, Carbon Fiber, Innovative Technical Manual
Frostallion 110 Ice Ice Steed Cooling Lv4 Ice Organ, Diamond
Jetragon 111 Dragon Aerial Missile Gathering Lv3 Pure Quartz, Polymer, Carbon Fiber, Diamond